徐 浩1,王 霜2
1.溫州醫科大學附屬眼視光醫院,浙江 溫州325000;2.西安科技大學,陜西 西安710054
摘要: 為提高醫學圖像分割的效果,針對二維Tsallis熵閾值法圖像分割效果受參數q選擇的影響,提出一種基于云模型螢火蟲算法優化二維Tsallis熵的醫學圖像分割算法。首先,將云模型引入螢火蟲算法,提高螢火蟲算法的收斂速度和尋優能力;其次,選擇均勻性測度作為醫學圖像分割的評價指標,運用CMFA算法對二維Tsallis熵閾值法參數q進行自適應尋優。研究結果表明,與FA-Tsallis和Tsallis相比較,CMFA-Tsallis的均勻性測度最高,分割出來的結果邊界清晰,從而證明本算法的有效性。
中圖分類號: TN92;TP391
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 徐浩,王霜. 云螢火蟲算法改進二維Tsallis熵的醫學圖像分割[J].電子技術應用,2020,46(6):73-76,81.
英文引用格式: Xu Hao,Wang Shuang. Medical image segmentation using two-dimensional Tsallis entropy improved by cloud model firefly algorithm[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2020,46(6):73-76,81.
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 徐浩,王霜. 云螢火蟲算法改進二維Tsallis熵的醫學圖像分割[J].電子技術應用,2020,46(6):73-76,81.
英文引用格式: Xu Hao,Wang Shuang. Medical image segmentation using two-dimensional Tsallis entropy improved by cloud model firefly algorithm[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2020,46(6):73-76,81.
Medical image segmentation using two-dimensional Tsallis entropy improved by cloud model firefly algorithm
Xu Hao1,Wang Shuang2
1.Department of Optometry,Wenzhou Medical University,Wenzhou 325000,China; 2.Xi′an University of Science and Technology,Xi′an 710054,China
Abstract: In order to improve the effect of medical image segmentation, for the effect of two-dimensional Tsallis entropy threshold method,two-dimensional Tsallis Entropy improved by cloudmodel firefly algorithm is applied to medical image segmentation algorithm. Firstly, in order to improve the convergence speed and optimization ability,the cloud model is introduced into the Firefly algorithm. Secondly, the homogeneity measure was chosen as the evaluation index of medical image segmentation, and the parameter q of the two-dimensional Tsallis entropy threshold method was optimized by CMFA algorithm. The results show that CMFA-Tsallis has the highest homogeneity measure compared with FA-Tsallis and Tsallis, and the result boundary is clear, thus proving the effectiveness of this algorithm.
Key words : medical image;image segmentation;Tsallis entropy;firefly algorithm;cloud model
0 引言
徐 浩1,王 霜2
(1.溫州醫科大學附屬眼視光醫院,浙江 溫州325000;2.西安科技大學,陜西 西安710054)