基于Cadence CHI和IVD VIP的 多核SoC系統數據一致性驗證
范君健1,晁張虎1,楊慶娜1,劉 琪1,朱 紅1,單建旗2
1.天津飛騰信息技術有限公司,天津102209;2 Cadence,廣東 深圳518040
摘要: 在多核的SoC系統中,不同的處理器核對內存空間和設備空間進行著大量的數據讀寫操作,維護Cache一致性面臨嚴峻挑戰。集中于控制流方面的驗證環境搭建已非常復雜,而包含數據正確性檢查的驗證由于控制流程復雜、數據量大等問題而更加困難。針對這一問題,基于Cadence公司提供CHI VIP、AXI VIP和IVD VIP,實現多核環境下的系統級數據一致性驗證。搭建的驗證平臺中采用CHI VIP通過筆者開發的CHI協議轉換橋發出訪存請求,使用AXI VIP收集到達主存的數據,由IVD VIP對CHI端口的請求數據與AXI端口的訪存數據進行實時分析比對,實現在較高抽象層次上的激勵產生和響應檢查。該驗證平臺能夠在子系統級及系統級進行數據一致性驗證,具有驗證環境搭建快速和功能點覆蓋完備的優點。
中圖分類號: TN409
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 范君健,晁張虎,楊慶娜,等. 基于Cadence CHI和IVD VIP的多核SoC系統數據一致性驗證[J].電子技術應用,2020,46(8):72-76.
英文引用格式: Fan Junjian,Chao Zhanghu,Yang Qingna,et al. Multi-core SoC based on Cadence CHI and IVD VIP system data coherence verification[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2020,46(8):72-76.
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 范君健,晁張虎,楊慶娜,等. 基于Cadence CHI和IVD VIP的多核SoC系統數據一致性驗證[J].電子技術應用,2020,46(8):72-76.
英文引用格式: Fan Junjian,Chao Zhanghu,Yang Qingna,et al. Multi-core SoC based on Cadence CHI and IVD VIP system data coherence verification[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2020,46(8):72-76.
Multi-core SoC based on Cadence CHI and IVD VIP system data coherence verification
Fan Junjian1,Chao Zhanghu1,Yang Qingna1,Liu Qi1,Zhu Hong1,Shan Jianqi2
1.Tianjin Phytium Technology Co.,Ltd.,Tianjin 102209,China;2.Cadence,Shenzhen 518040,China
Abstract: In a multi-core SoC system, different processor cores perform a large amount of data read and write operations on memory space and device space. Maintaining cache coherence is facing severe challenges. The verification environment focused on the control flow has been very complicated, and the verification including data correctness check is more difficult due to the complicated control process and large amount of data. In response to this problem, this paper is based on Cadence CHI VIP, AXI VIP and IVD VIP to achieve system-level data coherence verification in a multi-core environment. In this paper, CHI VIP is used to issue a memory access request through the CHI protocol conversion bridge developed by the author, and AXI VIP is used to collect data that arrives in the main memory, real-time analysis and comparison of the request data of the CHI port and the access data of the AXI port by the IVD VIP,to realize stimulus generation and response inspection at a higher level of abstraction. The verification platform can perform data consistency verification at the subsystem level and system level, and has the advantages of rapid verification environment construction and complete coverage of function points.
Key words : cache coherence;subsystem verification;VIP;modular verification
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范君健1,晁張虎1,楊慶娜1,劉 琪1,朱 紅1,單建旗2
(1.天津飛騰信息技術有限公司,天津102209;2 Cadence,廣東 深圳518040)