秦 琴1,姜景科1,陳振宇1,呂沁元1,李 強2
1.上海第二工業大學 工學部,上海201209;2.上海思晉智能科技有限公司,上海201209
摘要: 熱漂移是影響半球諧振陀螺使用精度的重要因素之一。為了保證半球諧振陀螺的輸出精度,設計了一種半球諧振陀螺溫控系統,為陀螺提供一個恒溫環境,減小溫度變化帶來的影響,避免熱漂移的產生,進而保證半球諧振陀螺的使用精度。該系統采用硬件結構設計結合軟件編程,運用PID控制算法結合繼電反饋法自整定參數,實現了整個溫控系統的設計。硬件設計了恒溫箱和控制柜,其中恒溫箱內置金屬托盤,用于放置半球諧振陀螺儀;控制柜內置油循環系統和數據采集設備,用于系統的加熱、冷卻和數據采集;軟件采用LabVIEW完成整個系統程序設計,并在上位機提供可視化界面。整個系統通過反復實驗,結果表明,該溫控系統能夠達到預期的設計效果,溫控精度可以達到±0.05 ℃。
中圖分類號: TN06
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 秦琴,姜景科,陳振宇,等. 半球諧振陀螺儀溫控系統的設計[J].電子技術應用,2021,47(5):64-68,72.
英文引用格式: Qin Qin,Jiang Jingke,Chen Zhenyu,et al. Design of temperature control system of hemispherical resonant gyroscope[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2021,47(5):64-68,72.
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 秦琴,姜景科,陳振宇,等. 半球諧振陀螺儀溫控系統的設計[J].電子技術應用,2021,47(5):64-68,72.
英文引用格式: Qin Qin,Jiang Jingke,Chen Zhenyu,et al. Design of temperature control system of hemispherical resonant gyroscope[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2021,47(5):64-68,72.
Design of temperature control system of hemispherical resonant gyroscope
Qin Qin1,Jiang Jingke1,Chen Zhenyu1,Lv Qinyuan1,Li Qiang2
1.Engineering Department of Shanghai Polytechnic University,Shanghai 201209,China; 2.Shanghai Synergy Technology Intelligence Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 201209,China
Abstract: Thermal drift is a key factor in gyroscope precision. To ensure the output accuracy of the hemispherical resonant gyroscope, a temperature control system for the hemispherical resonant gyroscope has been designed in this article. It provides gyroscope with constant temperature to reduce the influence of temperature and inhibit the thermal drift. This system combines hardware design and software programming. The relay-type self-tuning PID control algorithm is applied so that the design of hemispherical resonant gyroscope temperature control system can be completed.An incubator and a control cabinet has been designed as hardware. A metal tray is placed in the incubator to hold the hemispherical resonant gyroscope. Oil circulate system and data acquisition equipment in the control cabinet play the role of heating, cooling and data acquiring. From the aspect of software, the whole system is programmed by LabVIEW, a visual interface is also developed in the master. The experimental results show that the temperature control system can achieve the expected design effect, and the temperature control accuracy can reach±0.05 ℃.
Key words : thermal drift;hemispherical resonant gyroscope;PID;relay feedback method;self-tuning parameter
0 引言
半球諧振子是半球諧振陀螺儀的核心部件,它是一個半球形的薄殼彈性體,并且帶有中心支撐桿,支撐桿是與半球形薄殼一體加工而成的。國內外所研制的半球諧振子,其材料大多為熔融的石英晶體,直徑一般為15~60 mm,壁厚一般為0.3~1.0 mm。半球諧振子石英晶體材料的密度、泊松比、彈性模量、膜層應力及半球諧振子球面半徑和厚度等受溫度變化的影響較大。溫度的變化會導致半球諧振子物理參數發生變化,半球諧振子參數的變化會造成諧振子固有頻率的變化及半球諧振陀螺儀的時間常數差異,致使半球諧振陀螺儀在使用時出現漂移現象[3]。
秦 琴1,姜景科1,陳振宇1,呂沁元1,李 強2
(1.上海第二工業大學 工學部,上海201209;2.上海思晉智能科技有限公司,上海201209)