汪 意,劉潤然,賈春曉
(杭州師范大學 復雜科學研究中心,浙江 杭州311121)
摘要: 在尚未研發(fā)出有效疫苗前,對潛在感染者和易感者的隔離對于流行病控制而言具有十分重要的意義。研究采用潛伏者具有傳染性的SEIR(Susceptible-Exposed-Infected-Recovered)模型,并提出兩種動態(tài)隔離方法:一是在掌握網(wǎng)絡全局信息時,計算候選隔離對象一階鄰居的有效度、介數(shù)、距離確診者節(jié)點的路徑長度之和,把三者乘積作為其權(quán)重;二是在僅有節(jié)點局域信息時,將候選隔離對象的有效邊數(shù)和相鄰感染節(jié)點數(shù)的同趨化之和作為其權(quán)重。仿真實驗表明,隔離容量為1%~10%時,優(yōu)先隔離借助全局信息識別出的高權(quán)重節(jié)點可使90%以上節(jié)點免受感染,優(yōu)先隔離借助局域信息識別出的高權(quán)重節(jié)點可使70%以上節(jié)點免受感染,從而達到抑制疾病傳播的目的。
中圖分類號: TP301
文獻標識碼: A
DOI: 10.19358/j.issn.2096-5133.2021.06.013
引用格式: 汪意,劉潤然,賈春曉. 基于SEIR模型的復雜網(wǎng)絡上的動態(tài)隔離措施研究[J].信息技術與網(wǎng)絡安全,2021,40(6):75-82.
文獻標識碼: A
DOI: 10.19358/j.issn.2096-5133.2021.06.013
引用格式: 汪意,劉潤然,賈春曉. 基于SEIR模型的復雜網(wǎng)絡上的動態(tài)隔離措施研究[J].信息技術與網(wǎng)絡安全,2021,40(6):75-82.
Dynamic isolation measures on complex networks based on SEIR model
Wang Yi,Liu Runran,Jia Chunxiao
(Research Center for Complexity Sciences,Hangzhou Normal University,Hangzhou 311121,China)
Abstract: Before the vaccine is developed, the isolation of potential infected and susceptible is of great importance for epidemiological control. By using the Susceptible-Exposed-Infected-Recovered(SEIR) model with infectious exposed individuals, this paper has proposed two dynamic isolation measures to suppress the epidemic, where each node is assigned a weight according to the local or the global information of the network and the nodes with the highest weights are considered as the isolation priorities. The first one considers the situation where the global information of the network is available, and the sum of the effective degrees of the first order neighbors, the sum of the effective betweenness of the first order neighbors, and the sum of effective path lengths to all infected nodes are taking into account as the weight of an isolation candidate. The second one is for the condition if there is only local information of the infected nodes, and the effective degrees and the numbers of adjacent infected nodes are taking into account as the weights of the isolation candidates. The simulation results show that,when the isolation capacity is set to 1% to 10% of the total number of nodes, the first isolation measure can prevent more than 90% of nodes from infection when the global information of the network is available, and the second one can prevent more than 70% of nodes from infection when the local information of the infected nodes is available, i.e., the spreading of disease can be suppressed effectively.
Key words : complex networks;the spread of disease;dynamic isolation measures;SEIR model
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汪 意,劉潤然,賈春曉
(杭州師范大學 復雜科學研究中心,浙江 杭州311121)