(陸軍工程大學 指揮控制工程學院,江蘇 南京210007)
摘要: 為了克服空天地一體化網絡系統(Space-Air-Ground Integrated Network,SAGIN)由于結構復雜和業務多樣而導致的不同網絡間的協同困難,提出了基于移動邊緣計算(Mobile Edge Computing,MEC)的SAGIN多維管理架構。通過將網絡系統劃分為數據層、控制層和管理層,網絡狀態信息由各網絡層逐層匯總和分層處理,網絡管理策略由MEC統一制定,并逐層轉發,實現不同網絡間的協同管理。基于所提架構搭建網絡仿真平臺,并通過強化學習方法制定網絡協同策略,仿真結果證明了該架構的可行性。
中圖分類號: TN92
文獻標識碼: A
DOI: 10.19358/j.issn.2096-5133.2021.07.014
引用格式: 譚詩翰,金鳳林,頓聰穎,等. 空天地一體化網絡系統架構設計與智能管理[J].信息技術與網絡安全,2021,40(7):84-89.
文獻標識碼: A
DOI: 10.19358/j.issn.2096-5133.2021.07.014
引用格式: 譚詩翰,金鳳林,頓聰穎,等. 空天地一體化網絡系統架構設計與智能管理[J].信息技術與網絡安全,2021,40(7):84-89.
Architecture design and intelligent management of space-air-ground integrated network
Tan Shihan,Jin Fenglin,Dun Congying,Meng Fanlun
(Command & Control Engineering College,Army Engineering University of PLA,Nanjing 210007,China)
Abstract: In order to overcome the difficulties of cooperation between different networks caused by the complex structure and diverse services of SAGIN(Space-Air-Ground Integrated Network), a multi-dimensional management architecture of SAGIN based on Mobile Edge Computing(MEC) is proposed. The network system is divided into data layer, control layer and management layer. The network state information is collected and processed layer by layer and the network management strategy is formulated by MEC and forwarded layer by layer. The simulation platform based on the proposed architecture is built, and the network cooperation strategy is formulated through reinforcement learning method. The simulation results prove the effectiveness of the proposed architecture.
Key words : SAGIN;network architecture;network management;MEC
0 引言
隨著地面多媒體業務的激增、移動互聯網的蓬勃發展及人類活動范圍的進一步擴大,用戶對無處不在的無線網絡服務和更快數據傳輸速率需求日益增加,無線通信產業面臨嚴峻的考驗。空天地一體化網絡系統(Space-Air-Ground Integrated Network,SAGIN)將空間網絡、空中網絡與地面網絡互連,具有網絡資源豐富、網絡覆蓋范圍廣的特性,受到學術界和工業界的廣泛關注[1]。
(陸軍工程大學 指揮控制工程學院,江蘇 南京210007)