長光衛星技術有限公司,吉林 長春130000
摘要: 針對衛星X波段通信系統大范圍數據傳輸的需求,設計具備高增益圓極化可寬角度電掃的星載相控陣天線。此天線陣元采用底饋的饋電方式,利用切角技術實現圓極化,利用開槽技術實現小型化。天線陣列錯層排布,使其整體的輻射性能最優化。通過發射組件模塊、波束控制模塊和電源模塊的合理布局和設計優化,使其電掃波束可在離軸角0~60°、方位角0~360°內變化。此單機經加工后測試結果良好,對X波段通信系統尤其是相控陣天線的設計有一定的指導意義。
中圖分類號: TN82
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 金宇婷,邢斯瑞,沈晨陽,等. 高增益圓極化星載相控陣天線設計[J].電子技術應用,2021,47(8):1-6.
英文引用格式: Jin Yuting,Xing Sirui,Shen Chenyang,et al. Design of spaceborne phased array antenna with high-gain and circular-polarization[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2021,47(8):1-6.
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 金宇婷,邢斯瑞,沈晨陽,等. 高增益圓極化星載相控陣天線設計[J].電子技術應用,2021,47(8):1-6.
英文引用格式: Jin Yuting,Xing Sirui,Shen Chenyang,et al. Design of spaceborne phased array antenna with high-gain and circular-polarization[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2021,47(8):1-6.
Design of spaceborne phased array antenna with high-gain and circular-polarization
Jin Yuting,Xing Sirui,Shen Chenyang,Chang Junde,Zhang Shiwei
Chang Guang Satellite Technology Co.,Ltd.,Changchun 130000,China
Abstract: A spaceborne phased array antenna with high-gain, circular polarization and wide-angle is designed to meet the requirements of large range data transmission of X-band communication system. The antenna array element is fed by the bottom feed, the circular-polarization is realized by the angle cutting technology and the miniaturization is realized by the slot technology. The array is arranged in staggered layers, so that the radiation performance is the best. Through reasonable layout and optimization design of transmitting module, beam control module and power module, the beam can be changed within 0~60° off-axis angle and 0~360° azimuth angle. The test results of this machine are good after machining, which has a certain guiding significance for the design of X band communication system, especially the phased array antenna.
Key words : high-gain;circular-polarization;wide-angle scanning;phased array antenna
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(長光衛星技術有限公司,吉林 長春130000)