周正浩,曹 兵南京理工大學 機械工程學院,江蘇 南京210094
摘要: 隨著各國軍事力量的不斷增強,武器的現代化與智能化要求越來越迫切,故以計算機技術等為代表的高新技術在軍事領域的應用不斷深入,其中圖像處理技術也成為各國軍事研究的熱門話題之一。首先闡述了圖像處理技術的概念,其次介紹了熱門研究課題——目標識別的基本原理以及以此為基礎的紅外跟蹤技術發展現狀,最后整理了目標識別與跟蹤技術在軍事領域的具體應用與面臨的挑戰,并對未來發展形勢做出了展望,為目標識別與跟蹤技術在軍事領域中的創新突破和工程研究提供參考方向。
中圖分類號: TP751.1;E919
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 周正浩,曹兵. 圖像目標識別與跟蹤技術的軍事化應用綜述[J].電子技術應用,2021,47(8):26-29,33.
英文引用格式: Zhou Zhenghao,Cao Bing. Application of image processing technology in military field[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2021,47(8):26-29,33.
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 周正浩,曹兵. 圖像目標識別與跟蹤技術的軍事化應用綜述[J].電子技術應用,2021,47(8):26-29,33.
英文引用格式: Zhou Zhenghao,Cao Bing. Application of image processing technology in military field[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2021,47(8):26-29,33.
Application of image processing technology in military field
Zhou Zhenghao,Cao Bing
College of Mechanical Engineering,Nanjing University of Science and Technology,Nanjing 210094,China
Abstract: With the continuous enhancement of military forces in various countries,the requirements for the modernization and intelligence of weapons are becoming more and more urgent.Therefore,the application of high-tech represented by computer technology in the military field is deepening,and image processing technology has become one of the hot topics of military research in various countries.This paper firstly describes the concept of image processing technology,then introduces the basic principle of target recognition, which is a popular research topic, and the development status of infrared tracking technology based on it.Finally,the specific application and challenges of target recognition and tracking technology in military field is sorted out, and the future development situation is prospected, which provides reference for the innovation and breakthrough of target recognition and tracking technology in the military field and engineering research.
Key words : image processing;military;target recognition;target tracking
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周正浩,曹 兵
(南京理工大學 機械工程學院,江蘇 南京210094)