翟鵬飛1,周 雄1,李 強1,2
1.電子科技大學 電子科學與工程學院,四川 成都610054; 2.琶洲實驗室-人工智能與數字經濟廣東省實驗室,廣東 廣州510330
摘要: 隨著現代超大規模集成電路的電源網絡變得十分復雜,在片上對其各電源域電壓噪聲功率譜的測量變得越來越有意義。片上電源電壓噪聲測量電路的設計難點主要是在面積和功耗開銷較小的情況下,可以較高精度地測量頻率范圍很寬的電源噪聲信號。介紹了基于自相關方法測量電源電壓噪聲功率譜的原理,并總結了目前用于電源電壓噪聲功率譜測量的主要電路技術,討論了相關結構和技術的優缺點,為超大規模集成電路的設計研發人員提供了有益參考。
中圖分類號: TN407
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 翟鵬飛,周雄,李強. 片上電源電壓噪聲功率譜測量方法綜述[J].電子技術應用,2021,47(8):30-33,38.
英文引用格式: Zhai Pengfei,Zhou Xiong,Li Qiang. Review of on chip power supply noise power spectrum measurement[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2021,47(8):30-33,38.
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 翟鵬飛,周雄,李強. 片上電源電壓噪聲功率譜測量方法綜述[J].電子技術應用,2021,47(8):30-33,38.
英文引用格式: Zhai Pengfei,Zhou Xiong,Li Qiang. Review of on chip power supply noise power spectrum measurement[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2021,47(8):30-33,38.
Review of on chip power supply noise power spectrum measurement
Zhai Pengfei1,Zhou Xiong1,Li Qiang1,2
1.School of Electronic Science and Engineering,University of Electronic Science and Technology of China,Chengdu 610054,China; 2.Pazhou Lab,Guangdong Artificial Intelligence and Digital Economy Loboratory,Guangzhou 510330,China
Abstract: As the complexity of power delivery network in modern VLSI, the on-chip measurement of the noise power spectrum of each power domain becomes more meaningful. The difficulty of the on-chip power supply noise measurement is mainly to measure the noise in a very wide frequency range with high accuracy under the condition of small area and power consumption overhead. This paper introduces the principle of measuring the power supply noise spectrum based on the autocorrelation, and summarizes the main circuit techniques currently used for power supply noise measurement, and discusses the advantages and disadvantages of related structures, which provides a useful reference for VLSI designers.
Key words : power supply noise;power delivery network;power spectrum measurement;autocorrelation
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翟鵬飛1,周 雄1,李 強1,2
(1.電子科技大學 電子科學與工程學院,四川 成都610054;
2.琶洲實驗室-人工智能與數字經濟廣東省實驗室,廣東 廣州510330)