尤 兵
福清核電有限公司,福建 福清350318
摘要: 隨著數字化控制系統DCS廣泛應用于核電廠,核電廠主控室也在向功能更完善、布局更集中的先進主控室過渡,這一技術特點使得主控室操縱員主要依賴操作員站上的顯示器和鍵盤鼠標實現對電廠工藝系統的監控,因此需要將DCS以外的第三方儀控系統與DCS系統進行信息與監控集成。基于此需求,介紹了接口設計的一般原則,具體闡述了福清核電DCS系統與第三方儀控系統接口設計,并以DCS與KRT系統接口為實例,論述了采用I/A平臺FDSI模塊實現第三方儀控系統接口的具體實施。
中圖分類號: TN919
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 尤兵. 核電數字化控制系統與第三方系統接口研究[J].電子技術應用,2021,47(8):76-80.
英文引用格式: You Bing. Research of the communication between the third-party system and digital control system of nuclear power plant[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2021,47(8):76-80.
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 尤兵. 核電數字化控制系統與第三方系統接口研究[J].電子技術應用,2021,47(8):76-80.
英文引用格式: You Bing. Research of the communication between the third-party system and digital control system of nuclear power plant[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2021,47(8):76-80.
Research of the communication between the third-party system and digital control system of nuclear power plant
You Bing
Fujian Fuqing Nuclear Power Co.,Ltd.,Fuqing 350318,China
Abstract: As the DCS is widely used in nuclear power plants, the main control room of nuclear power plants is also transitioning to an advanced main control room with better functions and more centralized layout. This technical feature makes the main control room operator mainly rely on the CRT and keyboard and mouse on the operator station to realize the monitoring of the plant process system, so it is necessary to integrate the third-party system with the DCS system for information and monitoring. Based on this requirement, this paper introduces the general principles of interface design, specifies the interface design between DCS system and third-party system of Fuqing Nuclear Power Plant, and discusses the implementation of using FDSI module of I/A platform to realize the interface between third-party system, taking the interface between DCS and KRT system as an example.
Key words : DCS;third-party system;network communication;hardwired connection
0 引言
目前核電廠一般采用全范圍數字化控制系統(Digital Control System,DCS)系統[1],從系統結構上分為一層(自動控制和保護層)和二層(電廠操作和管理信息層)[2]。一層劃分為安全級的保護和監視系統、非安全級控制和監視系統,安全級系統主要完成緊急停堆、專設安全設施及支持系統驅動、事故后監視和處理等安全級功能,非安全級系統主要完成在正常工況下電廠運行監控等非安全級功能;二層亦稱電廠計算機信息和控制系統,主要承擔電廠數字化操作任務,電廠計算機信息和控制系統通過電廠機組網絡獲得電廠的輸入數據并進行處理,然后把處理結果送到顯示裝置,為電廠運行人員提供電廠狀態的信息及操作指導,同時接受操縱員的命令,把命令傳遞到一層,實現對電廠的操作。
尤 兵
(福清核電有限公司,福建 福清350318)