信息技術與網絡安全 8期
吳 暉,翟月琛,張東鑰
摘要: 隨著人類對海洋的探索與開發,水下網絡特別是水下通信技術逐漸成熟。水下通常使用聲吶進行通信,而水下聲吶通信信道具有傳輸速率低、誤碼率高、延時高和信道窄等缺陷,特別容易遭受惡意攻擊。因此,必須重視水下聲吶通信的安全問題。針對水下聲吶通信系統安全防護等級較弱的現狀,考慮水聲通信的獨特特性,概述了水下密碼裝備的未來發展趨勢。進而,從保護數據機密性角度出發,設計了一型密碼樣機和一種輕量級密碼算法,用于水下聲吶通信加密技術的演示驗證。測試結果表明:采用輕量級密碼算法的密碼樣機非常適合水下通信安全防護,能夠滿足通信速率要求,這為未來水下聲吶通信系統搭載密碼系統奠定了一定研究基礎。
中圖分類號: TP309
文獻標識碼: A
DOI: 10.19358/j.issn.2096-5133.2021.08.004
引用格式: 吳暉,翟月琛,張東鑰. 水下聲吶通信安全研究[J].信息技術與網絡安全,2021,40(8):24-29.
文獻標識碼: A
DOI: 10.19358/j.issn.2096-5133.2021.08.004
引用格式: 吳暉,翟月琛,張東鑰. 水下聲吶通信安全研究[J].信息技術與網絡安全,2021,40(8):24-29.
Research on security of underwater sonar communication
Wu Hui,Zhai Yuechen,Zhang Dongyao
(The 6th Research Institute of China Electronics Corporation,Beijing 100083,China)
Abstract: With the exploration and development of the ocean, the underwater network, especially the underwater communication technology, is gradually mature. Sonar is usually used for underwater communication, and underwater sonar communication channel is vulnerable to malicious attack because of its disadvantages such as low transmission rate, high bit error rate, high delay and narrow channel. Therefore, attention must be paid to the safety of underwater sonar communication. Aiming at the current situation that the security protection level of underwater sonar communication system is weak, considering the unique characteristics of underwater acoustic communication, the future development trend of underwater cipher equipment is summarized. Furthermore, from the point of view of protecting data confidentiality, a cryptographic prototype and a lightweight cipher algorithm are designed to demonstrate and verify the encryption technology of underwater sonar communication. The test results show that the cryptographic prototype with lightweight cipher algorithm is very suitable for the security protection of underwater communication and can meet the requirements of communication speed, which lays a certain research foundation for the future underwater sonar communication system to carry cryptographic system.
Key words : underwater;communication security;information encryption;lightweight cipher algorithm
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吳 暉,翟月琛,張東鑰