徐 丹,白燕南,王 峰,曾 宇
摘要: 為應對快速變化的業務和用戶需求,業界提出了意圖網絡。意圖網絡使用自然語言直接描述“業務意圖”并將其自動轉譯為網絡可執行的策略及操作,從而降低了網絡管理的復雜性,大幅提高了運維效率,也很大程度上節省了人工。廣泛和深入地調研了意圖相關的項目和研究,介紹了意圖的概念和描述、意圖的北向接口、意圖和策略的關系以及具有代表性的意圖網絡框架,并討論了意圖網絡部署和應用所面臨的主要挑戰,旨在為讀者研究意圖網絡提供一個綜合視圖。
中圖分類號: TN919
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 徐丹,白燕南,王峰,等. 意圖網絡研究綜述[J].電子技術應用,2021,47(9):9-15.
英文引用格式: Xu Dan,Bai Yannan,Wang Feng,et al. Survey of intent-based networking[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2021,47(9):9-15.
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 徐丹,白燕南,王峰,等. 意圖網絡研究綜述[J].電子技術應用,2021,47(9):9-15.
英文引用格式: Xu Dan,Bai Yannan,Wang Feng,et al. Survey of intent-based networking[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2021,47(9):9-15.
Survey of intent-based networking
Xu Dan,Bai Yannan,Wang Feng,Zeng Yu
China Telecom Research Institute AI R & D Center,Beijing 102209,China
Abstract: In order to meet rapidly changing business and user needs, intent-based networking(IBN) is proposed by the industry. In the IBN,natural language is directly used to describe "service intent" and automatically translated into strategies and operations that can be performed by the network, thereby reducing the complexity of network management, greatly improving operation and maintenance and also largely achieving labor-saving. In this article, IBN-related projects and research is extensively and deeply investigated, the concept of intent, the intent-based northbound interface(NBI), the relationship between intent and policy as well as representative IBN frameworks are introduced, and also the main challenges of IBN deployment and application are discussed. The goal of this article is to provide readers with a comprehensive view of IBN.
Key words : service intent;northbound interface(NBI);policy;intent-based network(IBN) framework
0 引言
傳統網絡只為應用提供簡單的發送、接收接口,整個網絡對于應用是一個黑盒,需要將高層需求手動轉換為特定于技術的配置,然后將其應用于基礎架構。手動操作使完整的服務供應過程緩慢,尤其為了保障應用的服務質量需要使用復雜的邏輯來處理故障、性能波動等事件,操作復雜性大且容易出錯,無法快速響應應用需求的變化。為適應不斷增長的網絡部署的復雜性和多樣性,業界期望一種簡化的技術架構和方案。2015年時任美國開放網絡基金會北向接口工作組主席Daivd Lenrow,發布一篇意圖相關的標準草案,他指出:在所謂的“意圖”模式中,智能軟件(如SDN控制器)將決定如何把意圖轉化為針對特定基礎設施的配置手段,從而使網絡以期望的方式行事[1]。
徐 丹,白燕南,王 峰,曾 宇