王 翠,洪 濤
中國計量大學 質量與安全工程學院,浙江 杭州310018
摘要: 為了實現干式水表制造過程產品追溯,以便對干式水表的質量和數量進行有效監測,根據干式水表的內部結構,設計了一款性能滿足干式水表產品追溯的小型化抗金屬超高頻PCB RFID標簽。該標簽天線采用彎折偶極子結構,可嵌入到水表中。為改善金屬環境中RFID標簽天線的性能,基于干式水表的內部結構和尺寸的約束,通過對天線電小環進行內凹彎折結構設計、調試與仿真,發現對天線中心頻點和回波損耗的影響程度,實現對標簽天線的小型化設計。對標簽天線樣品實物進行實際距離測試和天線最低激活功率測試,驗證了所設計的標簽天線嵌入水表后的最大識讀距離為3.2 m,實際中心頻點為900 MHz,滿足產品追溯的識讀要求。
中圖分類號: TN820
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 王翠,洪濤. 面向干式水表產品追溯的RFID標簽天線設計[J].電子技術應用,2021,47(9):101-104,116.
英文引用格式: Wang Cui,Hong Tao. Design of RFID tag antenna for quality traceability of dry-type water meter[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2021,47(9):101-104,116.
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 王翠,洪濤. 面向干式水表產品追溯的RFID標簽天線設計[J].電子技術應用,2021,47(9):101-104,116.
英文引用格式: Wang Cui,Hong Tao. Design of RFID tag antenna for quality traceability of dry-type water meter[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2021,47(9):101-104,116.
Design of RFID tag antenna for quality traceability of dry-type water meter
Wang Cui,Hong Tao
College of Quality & Safety Engineering,China Jiliang University,Hangzhou 310018,China
Abstract: In order to achieve the quality traceability of the dry-type water meter manufacturing process, so as to effectively monitor the quality and quantity of the dry-type water meter, according to the internal structure of the dry-type water meter, a miniaturized metal-resistant ultra-high frequency(UHF) printed circuit board(PCB)radio frequency identification(RFID) tags with performance to meet the quality traceability of the dry-type water meter is designed. The tag antenna adopts a bent dipole structure and can be embedded in a water meter. To improve the performance of RFID tag antennas in metal environments, based on the internal structure and size constraints of dry water meters, through the design, debugging and simulation of the concave bending structure of the antenna electric small loop, it discovers the degree of influence on the antenna center frequency and return loss, and realizes the miniaturization design of the tag antenna. The actual distance test and the minimum activation power test of the tag antenna sample verify that the maximum reading distance of the designed tag antenna after being embedded in the water meter is 3.2 m, and the actual center frequency is 900 MHz, which meets the reading requirements for quality traceability.
Key words : bent dipole antenna;dry-type water meter;metal-resistant;miniaturization;printed circuit board(PCB)
0 引言
干式水表,是指水表計量機構采用磁性元件傳動,計數器不與被計量水接觸的一種旋翼式水表,具有讀數清晰、抄表方便、計量精確、經久耐用等特點,從而被廣泛采用[1-2]。為了保證干式水表的全生命周期產品追溯,必須將RFID電子標簽安裝在干式水表內部,但干式水表內部存在鼓輪轉動軸、葉輪磁片等金屬元件。在RFID超高頻系統中,射頻信號對金屬環境[3-4]十分敏感,當標簽天線接近金屬表面時,因電磁感應的影響,金屬會產生渦流[5-6],生成自身感應磁場,導致磁力線趨于平緩[7-8],無法穿過標簽天線,RFID標簽無響應。這給應用于干式水表的RFID電子標簽設計帶來了難度。一種用于手術刀的RFID抗金屬標簽天線[9]總體尺寸為66 mm×5 mm,采用短路短截線結構,應用高介電常數介質基板達到小型化目的,可嵌入金屬或者貼敷于金屬表面,最大讀距為1 m,但該抗金屬標簽天線尺寸較大,且讀距較小,不適用于內部結構復雜的干式水表。一種抗金屬標簽應用短路環偶極子天線結構[10],其尺寸為76 mm×3 mm,靠近金屬表面,采用FR4材質,在-10 dB處帶寬為101 MHz,具有較好的抗金屬效果,但其天線結構因干式水表固定裝置和機芯的干擾無法在水表中實現。
王 翠,洪 濤
(中國計量大學 質量與安全工程學院,浙江 杭州310018)