疏成成1,2,蘇建徽1,2,施 永1,2,解 寶1,2,賴紀東1,2
1.光伏系統教育部工程中心,安徽 合肥230009; 2.合肥工業大學 電氣與自動化工程學院,安徽 合肥230009
摘要: 針對電力電子本科或研究生教學實驗,基于LabVIEW和簡易FPGA板卡,設計了一種高性價比的電力電子半實物實時仿真教學實驗平臺。仿真平臺系統由上位機和模型運算單元FPGA板卡組成,人機界面及實驗波形數據顯示基于LabVIEW軟件平臺編制,通過以太網實現與FPGA板卡數據交換,平臺系統可以進行多種電路拓撲模型的下載安裝和HIL實時仿真實驗。
中圖分類號: TN919.5;TP391.9;TP274
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 疏成成,蘇建徽,施永,等. 基于LabVIEW和FPGA的半實物仿真平臺的設計與實現[J].電子技術應用,2021,47(10):57-62.
英文引用格式: Shu Chengcheng,Su Jianhui,Shi Yong,et al. Design and implementation of a hardware-in-the-loop simulation platform based on LabVIEW and FPGA[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2021,47(10):57-62.
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 疏成成,蘇建徽,施永,等. 基于LabVIEW和FPGA的半實物仿真平臺的設計與實現[J].電子技術應用,2021,47(10):57-62.
英文引用格式: Shu Chengcheng,Su Jianhui,Shi Yong,et al. Design and implementation of a hardware-in-the-loop simulation platform based on LabVIEW and FPGA[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2021,47(10):57-62.
Design and implementation of a hardware-in-the-loop simulation platform based on LabVIEW and FPGA
Shu Chengcheng1,2,Su Jianhui1,2,Shi Yong1,2,Xie Bao1,2,Lai Jidong1,2
1.Photovoltaic System Ministry of Education Engineering Center,Hefei 230009,China; 2.School of Electrical and Automation Engineering,Hefei University of Technology,Hefei 230009,China
Abstract: Aiming at the teaching experiment of undergraduate or graduate students in power electronics, based on LabVIEW and simple FPGA board, a high cost-effective hardware in the loop real-time simulation teaching experiment platform for power electronics is designed. The simulation platform system is composed of upper computer and FPGA board. The man-machine interface and experimental waveform data display are based on LabVIEW software platform. Data exchange with FPGA board is realized through Ethernet. The platform system can download and install various circuit topology models and HIL real-time simulation experiments.
Key words : hardware-in-the-loop simulation platform;LabVIEW;FPGA;Ethernet control
0 引言
半實物實時仿真的技術有兩種方式:一種是快速控制原型(Rapid Control Prototyping,RCP)采用“虛擬控制器+實際對象”方式;另一種是硬件在回路(Hardware in Loop,HIL)采用“實際控制器+虛擬對象”方式,主要應用于電力電子系統控制器軟件的開發。半實物實時仿真的應用領域非常廣泛,涉及軌道交通、風電、光伏發電、新能源汽車、電力系統、工業傳動等[1-5]。半實物仿真的硬件在回路(HIL)仿真的方式是將數學化的實體模型和實際控制器聯系在一起運行的仿真系統[6-7]。相對于純計算機軟件仿真,半實物仿真具有有效性、可重復性、經濟性、安全性等諸多優點,是一種更接近實際情形的仿真技術[8-11]。
疏成成1,2,蘇建徽1,2,施 永1,2,解 寶1,2,賴紀東1,2
(1.光伏系統教育部工程中心,安徽 合肥230009;
2.合肥工業大學 電氣與自動化工程學院,安徽 合肥230009)