郭 靜,何 鵬
中國電子科技集團公司第四十一研究所,山東 青島266555
摘要: 針對實時頻譜儀中無縫頻譜數據量巨大導致難以進行傳輸和顯示的問題,基于FPGA的FIFO資源設計了一種適用于實時頻譜儀的幀檢波器,在保留信號特征的條件下將多幀頻譜數據合并為一幀進行傳輸與刷新。仿真與實際測試結果表明該檢波器具有正峰值、負峰值、平均值和實時刷新四種檢波方式,能夠在檢波的同時實現對分析帶寬外頻譜數據的截斷。相比于傳統基于RAM實現的幀檢波器,該檢波器不需要控制RAM讀寫地址,易于實現,占用邏輯資源較少,已在實時頻譜儀中得到應用。
中圖分類號: TN47
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 郭靜,何鵬. 一種實時頻譜儀中幀檢波器的FPGA實現[J].電子技術應用,2021,47(12):35-38.
英文引用格式: Guo Jing,He Peng. A realization of frame detector in real-time spectrum analyzer based on FPGA[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2021,47(12):35-38.
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 郭靜,何鵬. 一種實時頻譜儀中幀檢波器的FPGA實現[J].電子技術應用,2021,47(12):35-38.
英文引用格式: Guo Jing,He Peng. A realization of frame detector in real-time spectrum analyzer based on FPGA[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2021,47(12):35-38.
A realization of frame detector in real-time spectrum analyzer based on FPGA
Guo Jing,He Peng
The 41st Institute of CETC,Qingdao 266555,China
Abstract: For coping with transmission and display problem caused by the huge amount of seamless spectrum data in real-time spectrum analyzer, this article designed a FIFO-based frame detector of real-time spectrum analyzer in FPGA. It combines multiple frames of spectrum data into one frame for transmission and refresh while retaining signal characteristics. By simulation and actual testing,results show that the detector has four types of detection: peak value, negative value, mean value and real-time sample value. It also can cut off the spectrum data outside the analysis bandwidth while detecting. Compared with the traditional RAM-based frame detector, the detector does not need to control RAM read and write addresses, is easy to implement, occupies less logic resources, and has been applied in real-time spectrum analyzers.
Key words : real-time spectrum analyzer;detector;frame detect;FPGA
0 引言
實時頻譜分析儀具有無縫數據處理能力[6-7],實時處理FFT模塊完成時域數據到頻域數據的轉換,得到每秒數十萬甚至上百萬數量級的頻譜幀,如此龐大的數據量不僅難以進行數據傳輸,而且更無法實時顯示[8],因此需要實時檢波技術來解決傳輸和刷新的瓶頸。傳統實時頻譜儀中的幀檢波器通常采用RAM資源進行實現[9-10],在檢波過程中需要對RAM進行讀、寫地址的控制,控制方法較為繁瑣且占用邏輯資源。本文提出了一種基于FPGA FIFO資源實現的實時檢波器,不需要控制讀寫地址,只需控制新來的頻譜數據與FIFO中存儲的數據一一比較或累加后重新寫入FIFO,實現方式簡單且占用邏輯資源較少。
郭 靜,何 鵬
(中國電子科技集團公司第四十一研究所,山東 青島266555)