王樂群1,文 豐1,2,張凱華1
1.中北大學 電子測試技術國家重點實驗室,山西 太原030051; 2.中北大學 儀器科學與動態測試教育部重點實驗室,山西 太原030051
摘要: 針對傳統的多通道S型熱電偶測溫系統測量精度低、各通道精度相差較大的問題,提出了一種以FPGA為核心的高精度S型熱電偶測溫系統。系統以FPGA為核心控制器,采用模塊化設計,利用AD590溫度傳感器對S型熱電偶進行冷端補償。采用多通道采集、單通道調理的設計方法以改善由于元器件差異引起的各通道精度相差較大的情況。同時選用高精度ADC將采集的溫度模擬信號轉換為數字信號傳輸到上位機顯示,上位機通過查表法準確定位溫度值,提高測溫精度。經過多次試驗驗證,該測溫系統溫度采集精度優于0.2%F.S.。目前該系統已經應用到工程實踐中,為多通道S型熱電偶測溫系統設計提供了有效、可靠的手段。
中圖分類號: TP274
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 王樂群,文豐,張凱華. 基于FPGA的高精度S型熱電偶溫度測量系統設計[J].電子技術應用,2022,48(2):41-45.
英文引用格式: Wang Lequn,Wen Feng,Zhang Kaihua. Design of temperature measuring circuit of S-type thermocouple based on temperature sensor[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2022,48(2):41-45.
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 王樂群,文豐,張凱華. 基于FPGA的高精度S型熱電偶溫度測量系統設計[J].電子技術應用,2022,48(2):41-45.
英文引用格式: Wang Lequn,Wen Feng,Zhang Kaihua. Design of temperature measuring circuit of S-type thermocouple based on temperature sensor[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2022,48(2):41-45.
Design of temperature measuring circuit of S-type thermocouple based on temperature sensor
Wang Lequn1,Wen Feng1,2,Zhang Kaihua1
1.State Key Laboratory of Electronic Testing Technology,North University of China,Taiyuan 030051,China; 2.Key Laboratory of Instrument Science and Dynamic Testing,Ministry of Education,North University of China,Taiyuan 030051,China
Abstract: Aiming at the problem that the traditional multi-channel S-type thermocouple temperature measurement system has low measurement accuracy and each channel is quite different, a high-precision S-type thermocouple temperature measurement system based on FPGA is proposed.The system uses FPGA as controller, with modular design, and uses AD590 to perform cold junction compensation for S-type thermocouples.A high-precision ADC is used to convert the collected temperature analog signal into a digital signal and transmit it to the upper computer for display and locates the temperature value through the look-up table method to improve the temperature measurement accuracy.After many tests, it is verified that the temperature acquisition accuracy of this temperature measurement circuit is better than 0.2%F.S. At present, the circuit design has been applied to engineering practice, which provides an effective and reliable means for the design of temperature measuring circuit of S-type thermocouple.
Key words : S-type thermocouple;FPGA;cold end compensation;RFI filter circuit;high precision
0 引言
在某些特殊測試中,經常需要監視關鍵設備的環境因素,而溫度作為環境因素中的重要參數,直接決定測試的成敗[1],因此測量溫度的精度就顯的尤為重要。在要求高溫測量時,S型熱電偶可以達到0~1 600 ℃的測量溫度范圍,滿足大部分測量溫度的需求。因此,提高S型熱電偶在試驗中溫度采集的精度是有必要的。
王樂群1,文 豐1,2,張凱華1
(1.中北大學 電子測試技術國家重點實驗室,山西 太原030051;
2.中北大學 儀器科學與動態測試教育部重點實驗室,山西 太原030051)