信息技術與網絡安全 3期
李 實1,萬 睿1,周 帥2
(1.大亞灣核電運營管理有限責任公司,廣東 深圳518124;2.華北計算機系統工程研究所,北京100083)
摘要: 隨著工業互聯網新技術在工控領域的廣泛應用,工控系統由以往的孤島模式轉變為開放系統,通過網絡公開的工控態勢平臺,可以發現大量的工控設備暴露在互聯網中,工控系統面臨前所未有的安全危脅。通過對工控系統的安全現狀與脆弱性進行分析,站在攻擊者角度提出了工控系統面臨的攻擊威脅。結合真實的核電DCS系統,通過安全測試總結此系統的脆弱性,綜合考慮安全防護策略的有效性和實際可用性,對系統中相應安全脆弱點部署安全設備,提出了一種針對核電DCS系統的安全防護方案。通過在實驗室中部署驗證,證明了該安全防護措施一定程度減輕了核電DCS系統的脆弱性,提升了系統的安全性。
中圖分類號: TP393.08
文獻標識碼: A
DOI: 10.19358/j.issn.2096-5133.2022.03.005
引用格式: 李實,萬睿,周帥. 工控系統脆弱性分析研究[J].信息技術與網絡安全,2022,41(3):26-31.
文獻標識碼: A
DOI: 10.19358/j.issn.2096-5133.2022.03.005
引用格式: 李實,萬睿,周帥. 工控系統脆弱性分析研究[J].信息技術與網絡安全,2022,41(3):26-31.
Research on vulnerability analysis of industrial control system
Li Shi1,Wan Rui1,Zhou Shuai2
(1.Daya Bay Nuclear Power Operations and Management Co.,Ltd.,Shenzhen 518124,China; 2.National Computer System Engineering Research Institute of China,Beijing 100083,China)
Abstract: With the wide application of new industrial Internet technologies in the field of industrial control, the industrial control system has been transformed from the previous island model to an open system. Through the industrial control situation platform exposed on the Internet, it can be found that a large number of industrial control devices are exposed to the Internet, and the industrial control system is facing unprecedented security threat. Through the analysis of the security status and vulnerability of the industrial control system, this paper puts forward the attack threats faced by the industrial control system from the attacker′s point of view. Combined with the real nuclear power DCS system, the vulnerability of the system is summarized through safety tests, and the effectiveness and actual availability of the security protection strategy are comprehensively considered. It can make a protection plan by adding some safety equipment. Through the deployment and verification in the laboratory, the safety protection measures have reduced the vulnerability of the nuclear power DCS system and improved the security of the system.
Key words : industrial control system;penetration test;cyber security
0 引言
在2021年上半年,關鍵基礎設施相關漏洞公開披露了超過600個ICS漏洞,其中有70%的漏洞被歸類為高?;驀乐芈┒?,涉及市面上大多數的供應商。2月5日佛羅里達州的水處理設施遭受攻擊,攻擊者將飲用水中的氫氧化鈉含量增加了10倍,被工作人員及時發現,沒有造成嚴重后果;5月7日美國東海岸石油天然氣運輸系統遭受俄羅斯網絡犯罪集團的勒索病毒攻擊,造成巨大損失;7月12日伊朗鐵路系統遭受網絡攻擊;10月27日伊朗加油站信息系統遭受網絡攻擊,影響了全國4 300個加油站。全球范圍內的工控系統網絡安全形勢十分嚴峻。
李 實1,萬 睿1,周 帥2
(1.大亞灣核電運營管理有限責任公司,廣東 深圳518124;2.華北計算機系統工程研究所,北京100083)