信息技術與網絡安全 3期
代凱旋1,曾獻輝1,2,詹 麟1
(1.東華大學 信息科學與技術學院,上海201620;2.數字化紡織服裝技術教育部工程研究中心,上海201620)
摘要: 基站空調的節能是電信行業節能減排十分重要的一環,通過數據挖掘方法從空調系統運行數據中找到提升運行性能的規則和手段,具有重要的現實意義和研究價值。針對基站空調的節能減排問題,對基站實時采集到的數據流,首先建立空調節能模型找到目標約束條件下最優控制溫度;隨后針對空調啟停次數頻繁的問題繼續提出雙溫度控制模型,減少空調啟動次數的同時進一步降低了空調能耗;最后為了應對室外溫度、設備能耗等一些不確定因素的變化,提出了基于聚類的空調溫度分段控制算法并加以改進,通過聚類結果分析得到對應的用電模式,對不同用電模式分別設計相應控制策略,最終實現了基站空調能耗降低25%的效果,為企業空調節能控制提供了可靠依據。
中圖分類號: TK01+8;TP301.6
文獻標識碼: A
DOI: 10.19358/j.issn.2096-5133.2022.03.008
引用格式: 代凱旋,曾獻輝,詹麟. 基于聚類的雙溫度優化控制基站空調節能算法[J].信息技術與網絡安全,2022,41(3):44-49.
文獻標識碼: A
DOI: 10.19358/j.issn.2096-5133.2022.03.008
引用格式: 代凱旋,曾獻輝,詹麟. 基于聚類的雙溫度優化控制基站空調節能算法[J].信息技術與網絡安全,2022,41(3):44-49.
An energy saving algorithm of base station air conditioning based on clustering for dual temperature optimization control
Dai Kaixuan1,Zeng Xianhui1,2,Zhan Lin1
(1.College of Information Science and Technology,Donghua University,Shanghai 201620,China; 2.Engineering Research Center of Digitized Textile & Apparel Technology,Ministry of Education,Shanghai 201620,China)
Abstract: he energy saving of base station air conditioning is a very important part of energy saving and emission reduction in telecom industry. It has important practical significance and research value to find rules and means to improve operation performance from the operation data of air conditioning system through data mining method. Aiming at the problem of energy saving and emission reduction of base station air conditioning, based on the real-time data stream collected by base station, this paper firstly established the air conditioning energy saving model to find the optimal control temperature under the target constraint conditions. Then, aiming at the problem of frequent start and stop times of air conditioning, a dual-temperature control model was proposed to reduce the number of air conditioning starts and further reduce the energy consumption of air conditioning. Finally,in order to deal with outdoor temperature, the change of some uncertain factors such as equipment energy consumption, the segmentation control algorithm of air conditioning temperature was proposed based on clustering algorithm and improved, and the corresponding mode of power was obtained by analyzing the clustering results. The corresponding control strategies were designed for different power modes,finally achieved the effect of base station air conditioning energy consumption reduced by 25%. It provides a reliable basis for enterprise air conditioning energy saving control.
Key words : air conditioning energy saving;dual temperature control;electricity consumption mode;clustering algorithm
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代凱旋1,曾獻輝1,2,詹 麟1
(1.東華大學 信息科學與技術學院,上海201620;2.數字化紡織服裝技術教育部工程研究中心,上海201620)