艾凱旋1,2,劉云婷1,劉 洋2
1.中國工程物理研究院 計量測試中心,四川 綿陽621999;2.電子科技大學 電子科學與工程學院,四川 成都610054
摘要: 觸摸屏作為人機交互的主流方式之一,具有十分重要的研究價值,其中重要方向之一是自電容式觸摸屏的研制。但目前自電容式觸摸屏數據采集電路的電容通道數量最多只有13個,嚴重限制了自電容式觸摸屏研制過程中觸摸點數量的拓展。針對觸摸屏數據采集電路電容通道數量少的問題,設計了一種由Arduino控制的觸摸屏數據采集系統,包括硬件和軟件兩部分,硬件部分為觸摸檢測電路,可以檢測最多24個電容通道,軟件部分為圖形化界面,可以對自電容式觸摸屏中觸摸點的工作狀態進行實時檢測,并以圖形化界面的形式動態顯示觸摸點的工作狀態。
中圖分類號: TN41
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 艾凱旋,劉云婷,劉洋. 一種觸摸屏數據采集系統的設計[J].電子技術應用,2022,48(4):122-126.
英文引用格式: Ai Kaixuan,Liu Yunting,Liu Yang. Design of a data acquisition system for touch screen[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2022,48(4):122-126.
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 艾凱旋,劉云婷,劉洋. 一種觸摸屏數據采集系統的設計[J].電子技術應用,2022,48(4):122-126.
英文引用格式: Ai Kaixuan,Liu Yunting,Liu Yang. Design of a data acquisition system for touch screen[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2022,48(4):122-126.
Design of a data acquisition system for touch screen
Ai Kaixuan1,2,Liu Yunting1,Liu Yang2
1.Metrology and Testing Center,China Academy of Engineering Physics,Mianyang 621999,China; 2.School of Electronic Science and Engineering,University of Electronic Science and Technology of China,Chengdu 610054,China
Abstract: As one of the mainstream ways of human-computer interaction, touch screens have very important research value. One of the important directions is the development of self-capacitive touch screens. However, the current self-capacitive touch screen data acquisition circuit has only 13 capacitive channels at most, which severely limits the expansion of the number of touch points in the development of self-capacitive touch screens. In view of the problem of the small number of capacitive channels in the touch screen data acquisition circuit , a touch screen data acquisition system controlled by Arduino is designed, including hardware and software. The hardware part is a touch detection circuit, which can detect up to 24 capacitance channels, and the software part is a graphical interface. It can detect the working status of the touch point of the self-capacitive touch screen in real time,and dynamically display the working status of touch points in the form of graphical interface.
Key words : touch detection circuit;touch screen;data acquisition system;graphical interface
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艾凱旋1,2,劉云婷1,劉 洋2
(1.中國工程物理研究院 計量測試中心,四川 綿陽621999;2.電子科技大學 電子科學與工程學院,四川 成都610054)