信息技術與網絡安全 5期
房殿軍1,2,黃一丁1,蔣紅琰1,2,4,洪 晟3,鄭卓遠1
(1.同濟大學 機械與能源工程學院,上海200092;2.青島中德智能技術研究院,山東 青島266000; 3.北京航空航天大學 網絡空間安全學院,北京100191;4.江蘇科技大學 機械與動力工程學院,江蘇 鎮江212000)
摘要: 隨著物流行業向高柔性、高協同性、高效率的智能物流時代快速發展,智能物流數據治理與智能物流技術相互推動,并對智能制造發展生態產生重要影響。闡明了智能物流實物流、信息流、資金流三維視角與數據治理的緊密聯系,以及智能物流數據治理框架發展進程和演化規律,結合行業案例分析總結了我國智能物流數據治理與技術發展現狀,并從政策、行業、企業三個角度提出了對智能物流數據治理與技術未來發展的建議及展望,為我國智能物流發展提供借鑒與參考。
中圖分類號: F259.2
文獻標識碼: A
DOI: 10.19358/j.issn.2096-5133.2022.05.002
引用格式: 房殿軍,黃一丁,蔣紅琰,等. 智能物流數據治理與技術研究[J].信息技術與網絡安全,2022,41(5):9-16.
文獻標識碼: A
DOI: 10.19358/j.issn.2096-5133.2022.05.002
引用格式: 房殿軍,黃一丁,蔣紅琰,等. 智能物流數據治理與技術研究[J].信息技術與網絡安全,2022,41(5):9-16.
Research on data governance and technology of intelligent logistics
Fang Dianjun1,2,Huang Yiding1,Jiang Hongyan1,2,4,Hong Sheng3,Zheng Zhuoyuan1
(1.School of Mechanical Engineering,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China; 2.Qingdao Sino-German Institute of Intelligent Technologies,Qingdao 266000,China; 3.School of Cyber Science and Technology,Beihang University,Beijing 100191,China; 4.School of Mechanical Engineering,Jiangsu University of Science and Technology,Zhenjiang 212000,China)
Abstract: With the rapid development of the logistics industry towards the era of intelligent logistics with high flexibility, high coordination and high efficiency, intelligent logistics data governance and intelligent logistics technology promote each other, and have an important impact on the development ecology of intelligent manufacturing. The three-dimensional perspective of intelligent logistics, which contain the material flow, information flow, and capital flow, and its data governance are closely related. As well as the development process and evolution of intelligent logistics data governance framework are clarified. Suggestions and prospects for the future development of intelligent logistics data governance and technology are put forward from the perspectives of policy, industry, and enterprise, providing reference for the development of intelligent logistics in China.
Key words : intelligent logistics;intelligent manufacturing;data governance;development current situation
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房殿軍1,2,黃一丁1,蔣紅琰1,2,4,洪 晟3,鄭卓遠1
(1.同濟大學 機械與能源工程學院,上海200092;2.青島中德智能技術研究院,山東 青島266000;
3.北京航空航天大學 網絡空間安全學院,北京100191;4.江蘇科技大學 機械與動力工程學院,江蘇 鎮江212000)