張 敏,魏 偉,譚天怡,何 軼
摘要: 數據分類分級管理是推動數據要素化發展工作的重要步驟之一。對美國、英國政府數據分類分級管理現狀開展研究,為我國數據分類分級管理工作提供借鑒。同時,從實際出發,對國內政府數據、公共數據、行業數據等分類分級工作進行梳理分析,總結得出目前仍存在數據分類分級工作標準不統一、核心數據和重要數據識別不清晰、行業對數據分類分級工作缺少深層認識等問題,并提出我國需要進一步完善數據分類分級的法律法規體系,健全政府數據分類分級管理組織體系,推進核心數據和重要數據的管理工作,加快研發數據分類分級的智能化工具,以此加快推進我國數據分類分級工作的開展與落實。
中圖分類號: G203
文獻標識碼: A
DOI: 10.20044/j.csdg.2097-1788.2022.01.003
引用格式: 張敏,魏偉,譚天怡,等. 數據分類分級及其發展路徑研究[J].網絡安全與數據治理,2022,41(1):18-22,29.
文獻標識碼: A
DOI: 10.20044/j.csdg.2097-1788.2022.01.003
引用格式: 張敏,魏偉,譚天怡,等. 數據分類分級及其發展路徑研究[J].網絡安全與數據治理,2022,41(1):18-22,29.
Research on data classification and grading and its development path
Zhang Min,Wei Wei,Tan Tianyi,He Yi
(China Electronic System Technology Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100089,China)
Abstract: Data classification and grading management is one of the important steps to promote the development of data elementalization. This paper studies the current status of government data classification and grading management in the United States and the United Kingdom, which provides reference for China. From the perspective of application, this paper sorts out and analyzes the classification and grading work of government data, public data and industry data in China, and concludes that there are still problems such as inconsistent standards for data classification and grading management, unclear identification of core data and important data, and lack of in-depth understanding of industry data classification and grading. Based on these problems, this paper proposes that China should further complete the legal and regulatory system for data classification and grading, improve the organization management system for government data classification and grading, promote the management of core data and important data, and accelerate the development of intelligent tools for data classification and grading, so as to advance the development and implementation of data classification and grading in China.
Key words : data classification and grading;data elementalization;government data;public data;industry data
0 引言
近年來,面對爆炸式增長的海量數據,與數據安全、數據權益相關的爭議與案件頻發,亟需加速推動數據安全治理。2021年,滴滴網絡安全審查事件為數據安全敲響警鐘。工信部累計通報1 549款違規APP,下架514款拒不整改APP,主要涉及違法違規收集、使用個人信息等。公安部開展“凈網2021”專項行動,偵辦侵犯公民個人信息、黑客等重點案件超過1.8萬起。相關數據泄露、侵權等問題涉及民事、行政與刑事等多個領域,對數據主體權益、市場秩序建立與行業健康發展等均產生較大負面影響。切實推進數據安全治理工作、筑牢數據安全保護屏障,成為當前極具緊迫性和必要性的重大任務。
張 敏,魏 偉,譚天怡,何 軼