網絡安全與數據治理 2022年 第1期
楊倩倩,何 晴,彭思凡,殷保群
(中國科學技術大學 信息科學技術學院,安徽 合肥 230026)
摘要: 針對實際場景中存在的人群非均勻分布問題,提出了一種基于多重注意力引導的人群計數算法。首先,基于輕量級金字塔切分注意力機制構建了自頂向下的特征融合路徑,旨在促進高層語義信息和低層空間細節的融合,生成高級語義和空間細節兼備的高質量特征圖;然后,提取并融合多尺度上下文信息,以此生成關注于不同密度分布模式的注意力權重圖;最后,通過注意力權重圖指導密度回歸網絡識別不同分布狀態下的行人目標,增強模型對密度變化的適應性,生成高質量人群密度圖。在ShanghaiTech、UCF_QNRF和JHU-CROWD++三個數據集上進行了大量的實驗來說明所提算法的先進性。
中圖分類號: TP309
文獻標識碼: A
DOI: 10.20044/j.csdg.2097-1788.2022.01.017
引用格式: 楊倩倩,何晴,彭思凡,等. 基于多重注意力引導的人群計數算法[J].網絡安全與數據治理,2022,41(1):108-116.
文獻標識碼: A
DOI: 10.20044/j.csdg.2097-1788.2022.01.017
引用格式: 楊倩倩,何晴,彭思凡,等. 基于多重注意力引導的人群計數算法[J].網絡安全與數據治理,2022,41(1):108-116.
Multi-attention convolutional network for crowd counting
Yang Qianqian,He Qing,Peng Sifan,Yin Baoqun
(School of Information Science and Technology,University of Science and Technology of China,Hefei 230026,China)
Abstract: Aiming at the problem of non-uniform crowd distribution in practical scenes, this paper proposes a crowd counting algorithm based on multi-attention mechanism. A top-down feature fusion path is constructed based on the lightweight pyramid split attention mechanism, which aims to promote the fusion of high-level semantic features and low-level spatial details, resulting in high-quality feature maps with both semantics and spatial details. Then multi-scale context information is extracted and fused to generate attention weight maps that focus on different density distribution patterns. At last, the density regression network is guided by the attention weight maps to identify pedestrian targets in different distributions, enhancing the model′s adaptability to density variation, so as to generate high-quality crowd density maps. Abundant experiments on three datasets including ShanghaiTech, UCF_QNRF and JHU-CROWD++ were conducted to prove the effectiveness of the proposed network.
Key words : crowd counting;density map estimation;attention mechanism;feature pyramid network
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楊倩倩,何 晴,彭思凡,殷保群
(中國科學技術大學 信息科學技術學院,安徽 合肥 230026)