龍威宇,蔡益朝,李 浩,邱建杰
空軍預警學院,湖北 武漢430014
摘要: 傳統航跡關聯模型中通常將噪聲和干擾用高斯分布來描述,而電子裝備的大量使用,使得戰場電磁環境日趨復雜。針對這一問題,提出了一種基于不確定分布的多目標航跡關聯模型,通過引入不確定分布函數來描述航跡關聯過程中的噪聲及干擾,使模型更符合戰場真實情況,構建了雙傳感器情況下的多目標航跡關聯流程,并利用經典算法對不同數量目標進行了仿真驗證。結果表明,在同等條件下,所提出的模型均優于傳統模型,能夠帶來關聯準確率的提升。
中圖分類號: TN953;TN957.51
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 龍威宇,蔡益朝,李浩,等. 一種基于不確定分布的多目標航跡關聯模型及求解[J].電子技術應用,2022,48(8):13-18,23.
英文引用格式: Long Weiyu,Cai Yichao,Li Hao,et al. A multi-objective track association method based on uncertainty distribution and its solution[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2022,48(8):13-18,23.
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 龍威宇,蔡益朝,李浩,等. 一種基于不確定分布的多目標航跡關聯模型及求解[J].電子技術應用,2022,48(8):13-18,23.
英文引用格式: Long Weiyu,Cai Yichao,Li Hao,et al. A multi-objective track association method based on uncertainty distribution and its solution[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2022,48(8):13-18,23.
A multi-objective track association method based on uncertainty distribution and its solution
Long Weiyu,Cai Yichao,Li Hao,Qiu Jianjie
Air Force Early Warning Academy,Wuhan 430014,China
Abstract: The noise and interference are usually described by Gaussian distribution in the traditional track association model, while the massive use of electronic equipment makes the battlefield electromagnetic environment more and more complex. To address this problem, this paper proposes a multi-target trajectory association model based on uncertainty distribution, by introducing uncertainty distribution function to describe the noise and interference in the trajectory association process, so that the model is more in line with the real situation on the battlefield, constructs a multi-target trajectory association process in the case of dual sensors, and uses classical algorithms to simulate and verify different numbers of targets. The results show that the model proposed in this paper outperforms the traditional model under the same conditions and can bring improvement in the association accuracy.
Key words : track correlation;multi sensor;uncertainty theory;uncertainty distribution
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龍威宇,蔡益朝,李 浩,邱建杰
(空軍預警學院,湖北 武漢430014)