陳 佳
中國船舶集團有限公司第七二三研究所,江蘇 揚州 225000
摘要: 討論了陣列天線基于交替投影迭代算法的最大似然估計,實現信號源方位估計以及多個同距同速信源的方位角分離方法。此估計方法可用于相關信號目標的方位估計。由于此方法耗時較長,與斐波那契數列法結合,減少了搜索次數,提高了測角效率。仿真結果表明了此方法的有效性。
中圖分類號: TN95
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 陳佳. 相干信源DOA估計的最大似然算法應用及改進[J].電子技術應用,2022,48(9):145-148,152.
英文引用格式: Chen Jia. Application and improvement of maximum likelihood algorithm for DOA estimation of coherent signals[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2022,48(9):145-148,152.
文獻標識碼: A
中文引用格式: 陳佳. 相干信源DOA估計的最大似然算法應用及改進[J].電子技術應用,2022,48(9):145-148,152.
英文引用格式: Chen Jia. Application and improvement of maximum likelihood algorithm for DOA estimation of coherent signals[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2022,48(9):145-148,152.
Application and improvement of maximum likelihood algorithm for DOA estimation of coherent signals
Chen Jia
China State Shipbuilding Corporation 723 Institute,Yangzhou 225000,China
Abstract: In this paper, we discuss the maximum likelihood of the array antenna based on the alternating projection iterative algorithm, the realization of direction of arrival estimation of the signal source and the method of direction of arrival separation of multiple sources with the same distance and same speed. This method can be used to estimate the bearing of the target with correlated signals. Because this method takes a long time and is combined with the Fibonacci method, the search times are reduced and the efficiency of angle measurement is improved. Simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Key words : maximum likelihood; direction of arrival estimation; alternating projection iterative algorithm; Fibonacci method
0 引言
雷達信號的波達方向(Direction of Arrival,DOA)估計在陣列信號處理領域中一直是一個非常重要的研究內容,主要通過提取出空間中按照一定樣式排布的天線陣列接收回波信號的特征參數來估計目標的方位信息,因此國內外學者提出了各種各樣的DOA估計新算法[1-3]。其中最大似然估計法[4]很早就被提出,但由于其運算量較大而沒有得到廣泛應用。本文討論了一種有效的算法,通過交替投影算法[5-6]把最大似然估計中多維非線性問題轉化為一維問題來解決,并在搜索時采用斐波那契數列法提高搜索效率,使其運算復雜性降低同時有效減少了計算量,滿足工程應用的實時性要求。
陳 佳
(中國船舶集團有限公司第七二三研究所,江蘇 揚州 225000)