中圖分類號: TN81 文獻標識碼: A DOI:10.16157/j.issn.0258-7998.222578 中文引用格式: 王喜升,侯鈺慧,郭波超,等. 無線電能傳輸系統基于Buck-Boost拓撲的最大功率傳輸研究[J].電子技術應用,2022,48(10):129-134. 英文引用格式: Wang Xisheng,Hou Yuhui,Guo Bochao,et al. Research on maximum power transfer of wireless power transfer system based on buck-boost topology[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2022,48(10):129-134.
Research on maximum power transfer of wireless power transfer system based on buck-boost topology
Wang Xisheng1,Hou Yuhui2,Guo Bochao2,Cui Zhenyu2,Tian Zijian2,Wang Wenqing3
1.China Coal Information Technology(Beijing) Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100029,China; 2.School of Mechanical Electronic and Information Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology(Beijing), Beijing 100083,China; 3.Beijing Polytechnic College,Beijing 100042,China
Abstract: In recent years, wireless power transfer(WPT) technology has developed rapidly and is widely used in the consumer field. There are many factors that affect the transmission efficiency of wireless power systems, such as load variation, coil offset, frequency splitting, etc. In order to solve the problem of reducing the transmission efficiency of the system caused by the load change at the receiving end,in this paper, the buck-boost circuit topology is connected in series at the receiving end, and the mathematical model of the WPT system circuit and the coil offset model are established. Then the mutual inductance relationship of the coil offset is deduced. Finally, the relationship between the transmission power and the duty cycle of the coil coaxial model system and the coil offset model system is obtained through simulation. The simulation results show that adjusting the duty cycle of the buck-boost circuit can ensure that both the coil coaxial model system and the coil offset model system can achieve the maximum transmission power of the system when the load changes. It is proved that the buck-boost circuit topology in series can reduce the influence of load changes on the transmission efficiency.
Key words : wireless power transfer;load variation;offset of the coil;buck-boost;duty cycle
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19世紀90年代初,著名科學家特斯拉就開始了無線電能傳輸技術(Wireless Power Transfer,WPT)的研究,并隔空點亮了一盞磷光照明燈[1]。到2006年,MIT的科學家Marin Soljacic利用無線電能傳輸技術在距離2 m處隔空點亮了一盞60 W的燈泡[2-3]。從此,國內外無數學者對WPT的研究進入了高潮期,并將其應用在各個領域。該技術作為一種無接觸充電方式[4],已經被廣泛應用在電動汽車、植入式醫療設備、消費電子產品等各個領域[5-6],給人們的生活帶來了很大的便捷性和安全性。