1.寧波大學 機械工程與力學學院,浙江 寧波 315211;2.寧波航工智能裝備有限公司,浙江 寧波 315311
摘要: 根據傳統蟻群算法在機器人的路線規劃中具有收斂速度慢、容易陷入局部最優解的缺陷,提供了一個經過改進的蟻群算法。使用柵格法建立路徑矩陣,建立一種轉角啟發函數,增加選擇指定路徑的概率,提高算法的搜索速度;將A*算法與改進蟻群算法結合,提出一種改進的距離啟發函數,避免了陷入局部最優解;并提出一種可根據迭代次數而改變的信息素揮發因子,增強了全域搜尋能力。根據相關數據分析,與Ant Colony Algorithm with Multiple Inspired Factor(ACAM)算法相比,改進的蟻群算法對于解決算法收斂速度慢、防止進入局部最優解等方面效果更好。
DOI: 10.16157/j.issn.0258-7998.222741
中文引用格式: 王星宇,胡燕海,徐堅磊,等. 基于改進蟻群算法的機器人路徑規劃方法[J]. 電子技術應用,2023,49(1):75-80.
英文引用格式: Wang Xingyu,Hu Yanhai,Xu Jianlei,et al. Robot path planning method based on improved ant colony algorithm[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2023,49(1):75-80.
DOI: 10.16157/j.issn.0258-7998.222741
中文引用格式: 王星宇,胡燕海,徐堅磊,等. 基于改進蟻群算法的機器人路徑規劃方法[J]. 電子技術應用,2023,49(1):75-80.
英文引用格式: Wang Xingyu,Hu Yanhai,Xu Jianlei,et al. Robot path planning method based on improved ant colony algorithm[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2023,49(1):75-80.
Robot path planning method based on improved ant colony algorithm
Wang Xingyu1,Hu Yanhai1,Xu Jianlei2,Chen Haihui2
1.School of Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics, Ningbo University, Ningbo 315211,China; 2.Ningbo Hanggong Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd., Ningbo 315311,China
Abstract: An improved ant colony algorithm is provided according to the disadvantage of slow convergence and easy to fall into local optimal solution of traditional ant colony algorithm in robot route planning. The raster method is used to build the path matrix, and a corner heuristic function is established to increase the probability of selecting a specified path and improve the search speed of the algorithm. Combining A* algorithm with improved ant colony algorithm, an improved distance heuristic is proposed to avoid falling into local optimal solution. A pheromone volatile factor which can be changed according to the number of iterations was proposed to enhance the global search ability. Based on the related data analysis, the improved ant colony algorithm is better than Ant Colony Algorithm with Multiple Inspired Factor(ACAM )algorithm in resolving problems such as slow convergence rate and preventing entering local optimal solution.
Key words : improved ant colony algorithm;robot;Grid method;A* algorithm
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(1.寧波大學 機械工程與力學學院,浙江 寧波 315211;2.寧波航工智能裝備有限公司,浙江 寧波 315311)