1.重慶郵電大學 光電信息感測與信息傳輸實驗室 重慶400065;2.重慶大學 微電子與通信工程學院,重慶400044
摘要: 針對醫學圖像數據在互聯網傳輸中的高機密性需求,提出一種基于Logistic混沌浮點數運算的加密方法用于醫學圖像加密。在該加密方法中,結合雙精度浮點運算設計了基于Logistic混沌的偽隨機數序列發生器(PRNG),并采用硬件描述語言 Verilog對PRNG進行了硬件描述。在Altera公司Cyclone IV系列DE2-115開發平臺上實現了加密方法綜合設計。從密鑰敏感性測試、直方圖分析、相關性檢驗、信息熵處理等密碼學角度分析了加密算法的安全性。通過將文中提出的圖像加密算法與現有的一些圖像加密算法進行比較,發現經過該加密算法加密后圖像具有對密鑰敏感、相關系數小、信息熵高等特點。此外,基于FPGA的硬件加密系統加密穩定性高,實時性好。
DOI: 10.16157/j.issn.0258-7998.222975
中文引用格式: 龐宇,魏東,王俊超. 基于混沌浮點運算的醫學圖像加密方法與FPGA實現[J]. 電子技術應用,2023,49(1):135-140.
英文引用格式: Pang Yu,Wei Dong,Wang Junchao. A medical image encryption method based on chaos floating-point operation and its realization by FPGA[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2023,49(1):135-140.
DOI: 10.16157/j.issn.0258-7998.222975
中文引用格式: 龐宇,魏東,王俊超. 基于混沌浮點運算的醫學圖像加密方法與FPGA實現[J]. 電子技術應用,2023,49(1):135-140.
英文引用格式: Pang Yu,Wei Dong,Wang Junchao. A medical image encryption method based on chaos floating-point operation and its realization by FPGA[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2023,49(1):135-140.
A medical image encryption method based on chaos floating-point operation and its realization by FPGA
Pang Yu1,Wei Dong1,Wang Junchao2
1.Photoelectronic Information Sensing and Transmission Technology Laboratory,Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications,Chongqing 400065,China;2.School of Microelectronics and Communication Engineering,Chongqing University,Chongqing 400044,China)
Abstract: Aiming at the high confidentiality requirement of medical image data transmission in the Internet, an encryption method based on Logistic chaotic floating point number operation is proposed for medical image encryption. In this encryption method, PRNG based on Logistic chaos was designed with double-precision floating-point operations and described by the Verilog . The comprehensive design of encryption method is realized on the development platform of Cyclone IV series DE2-115 of Altera Corporation. The security of encryption algorithm is analyzed from the cryptographic perspectives such as key sensitivity test, histogram analysis, correlation test, information entropy processing, etc. By comparing with some existing image encryption algorithms, it is found that the image encrypted by this encryption algorithm has the characteristics of being sensitive to keys, small correlation coefficient and high information entropy. In addition, the FPGA-based hardware encryption system has high encryption stability and good real-time performance.
Key words : image encryption;chaos map;floating point arithmetic;PRNG;FPGA
0 引言
基于混沌算法的偽隨機數生成器(Pseudo Random Number Generator , PRNG)生成的偽隨機序列對初始值極度敏感、周期長、密鑰空間大,與其他數據序列相比在安全性上具有明顯的優勢,用于醫學圖像加密具有很可觀的加密效果[4]。除了算法嚴格性外,一種有效的加密系統實現技術可保證加密的速度得到提升。而硬件實現的方式在能夠滿足應用實時性的同時又可以防止運行算法的攻擊[5]。現場可編程邏輯器件(Field -Programmable Gate Array ,FPGA)以其高并行、可定制、能重構、低成本等特點十分適合于混沌加密算法的硬件實現[6]。
(1.重慶郵電大學 光電信息感測與信息傳輸實驗室 重慶400065;2.重慶大學 微電子與通信工程學院,重慶400044)