(北京工業大學 信息學部,北京 100124)
摘要: 實驗教學作為實踐育人體系的重要組成部分,是培養學生創新能力和實踐能力的重要手段。針對當前計算機類硬件實驗教學存在的實驗平臺體積龐大、實驗地點固定且實驗室共享化程度低的問題,提出了基于FPGA的遠程實驗系統硬件平臺的設計。硬件平臺使用FPGA搭建了底層結構,實現了FPGA的遠程配置功能,支持豐富的實驗內容。實驗結果表明,該硬件平臺支持實驗程序的遠程下載與遠程調試。在教學中使用該硬件平臺可以提供與線下體驗相似的遠程實驗課程。
DOI: 10.16157/j.issn.0258-7998.223534
中文引用格式: 韓德強,鄭鑫鵬,楊皓琪,等. 基于FPGA的遠程實驗系統硬件平臺的設計與實現[J]. 電子技術應用,2023,49(6):94-98.
英文引用格式: Han Deqiang,Zheng Xinpeng,Yang Haoqi,et al. Design and implementation of a remote experimental system hardware platform based on FPGA[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2023,49(6):94-98.
DOI: 10.16157/j.issn.0258-7998.223534
中文引用格式: 韓德強,鄭鑫鵬,楊皓琪,等. 基于FPGA的遠程實驗系統硬件平臺的設計與實現[J]. 電子技術應用,2023,49(6):94-98.
英文引用格式: Han Deqiang,Zheng Xinpeng,Yang Haoqi,et al. Design and implementation of a remote experimental system hardware platform based on FPGA[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2023,49(6):94-98.
Design and implementation of a remote experimental system hardware platform based on FPGA
Han Deqiang,Zheng Xinpeng,Yang Haoqi,Yang Qishan
(Faculty of Information Technology,Beijing University of Technology,Beijing 100124,China)
Abstract: As an important part of the practical education system, experimental teaching is an important means to cultivate students' innovation ability and practical ability. Nowadays, there are some problems in computer hardware experimental teaching, such as the platform is large,the location of the experiment is fixed and the degree of laboratory sharing is low. Under this circumstance, a hardware platform of remote experiment system based on FPGA was proposed to address the above issues. The hardware platform uses FPGA to build the underlying structure, which realizes the remote configuration of the FPGA,and supports a wide range of experimental content. Experiments show that the hardware platform supports a wide range of experimental content. By using the hardware platform, schools can offer remote experimental courses with the same experience as those of offline experiments.
Key words : remote experiment;FPGA;hardware platform;digital circuit
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隨著“互聯網+”、大數據、人工智能、智能制造等技術的快速發展,全社會迫切需要一大批創新能力強、能解決復雜問題的高素質工程人才。在培養學生以上能力的過程中,實驗教學扮演著重要的角色。傳統計算機類硬件實驗教學存在硬件平臺體積較大、實驗地點固定、實驗室共享化程度較低等問題,特別是在疫情等突發情況下無法開展實驗教學 。因此,運用互聯網技術的遠程實驗系統得到了人們的重視 。
(北京工業大學 信息學部,北京 100124)