電子技術應用 11期
(成都天奧信息科技有限公司,四川 成都 610041)
摘要: 針對內河綠色智能船舶船岸一體化信息系統的需求,提出了一種多通道、寬動態、高靈敏度的接收機射頻前端設計方法。介紹了接收機射頻前端的架構設計,通過數理推導確定了射頻鏈路的設計方案。研制了一款可應用于水上移動業務領域的VDES(甚高頻數據交換系統)射頻前端,該射頻前端包括7路射頻通道,具備對AIS、ASM、VDE和DSC信號的接收和發射功能。通過實際加工和測試,測試結果與預設值吻合較好。并將射頻前端與整機進行裝配實驗,實驗結果表明,接收動態范圍≥110 dB,AIS接收靈敏度≤-117 dBm,相鄰信道選擇性≥70 dB,證明該射頻前端設計方法具有可行性。
DOI: 10.16157/j.issn.0258-7998.223647
引用格式: 代孝俊,周鵬,黃子寬. 用于內河船舶船岸一體化技術的射頻前端設計[J]. 電子技術應用,2023,49(11):129-134.
DOI: 10.16157/j.issn.0258-7998.223647
引用格式: 代孝俊,周鵬,黃子寬. 用于內河船舶船岸一體化技術的射頻前端設計[J]. 電子技術應用,2023,49(11):129-134.
Design of an RF front-end based on integrated technology for inland ship
Dai Xiaojun,Zhou Peng,Huang Zikuan
(Chengdu Spaceon Technology Co., Ltd., Chengdu 610041, China)
Abstract: According to the requirements of the integrated technology for green intelligent inland ship, a receiver RF front-end design method of multi-channel, wide dynamic and high sensitivity is proposed. This paper discusses the architectural design of the receiver RF front-end, and obtains the design solution through mathematical derivation. Then, a VDES (VHF Data Exchange System) RF front-end is developed, which can be applied in water mobile business area. This RF front-end includes 7 RF channels with receiving and transmitting functions for AIS, ASM, VDE and DSC. Finally, through actual processing and testing, the test results are precisely consistent with the preset values. At the same time, this RF front-end is assembly tested in whole machine, and the test results show that the receiving dynamic range is more than 110 dB, the receiving sensitivity is less than -117 dBm of AIS, and the adjacent channel selectivity is more than 70 dB, which proves that the RF front-end design method is effective.
Key words : VDES;AIS;wide dynamic;high sensitivity;RF front-end
文章詳細內容下載請點擊:用于內河船舶船岸一體化技術的射頻前端設計AET-電子技術應用-最豐富的電子設計資源平臺 (chinaaet.com)
(成都天奧信息科技有限公司,四川 成都 610041)