中圖分類號:TN92 文獻標志碼:A DOI: 10.16157/j.issn.0258-7998.233941 中文引用格式: 唐杰,黃銘,林建喜,等. 基于WiFi信號的室內外聯合定位技術研究[J]. 電子技術應用,2024,50(1):113-119. 英文引用格式: Tang Jie,Huang Ming,Lin Jianxi,et al. Research on indoor and outdoor joint positioning technology based on WiFi signal[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2024,50(1):113-119.
Research on indoor and outdoor joint positioning technology based on WiFi signal
1.School of Information Science and Engineering, Yunnan University, Kunming 650091, China; 2.Radio Monitoring Center of Yunnan Province, Kunming 650228, China
Abstract: The current indoor and outdoor joint positioning technology based on GPS and WiFi achieves high positioning accuracy. However, this type of method needs to process signals of two different scenarios in the transition area, and there are problems such as difficulty in smooth switching between areas, and lack of effective data association. In response to the above problems, this paper associates the physical space location information with WiFi information to establish an indoor and outdoor joint positioning map model based on WiFi signals, and uses the Jaccard similarity algorithm for indoor and outdoor judgment and one-time positioning. In order to increase the positioning accuracy of WiFi, this paper uses cubic spline interpolation to expand the WiFi fingerprint library, and uses the weighted K-nearest neighbor algorithm for secondary precise positioning.
Key words : WiFi positioning;graph model;similarity;secondary positioning;visualization
基于WiFi信號定位主要應用于室內場景,最近已有許多學者開始研究基于WiFi基礎設施的無GPS室外定位服務[1]。與超寬帶定位技術、藍牙定位技術和慣性導航技術等比較,基于WiFi位置指紋定位技術無需額外添加其他設備,且部署簡單、成本較低、定位范圍廣、精度較高[2]。因此,基于WiFi技術實現定位是一個較好的選擇。當前解決室內外聯合定位問題技術的大多是衛星定位系統與室內定位組合技術,而且主要是針對在室內外過渡區域平滑切換定位方法問題,文獻[3]提出了坐標標定法,使得室內外坐標達到一致。在過渡區域中使用越區切換方法,實現基于北斗和超寬帶的室內外聯合高精度定位。城市環境或園區內衛星信號較差,但是已經大量部署WiFi網絡,文獻[4]設計了一種基于WiFi信號的室外人員定位系統,通過動態選取k個錨節點建立定位模型,并且改進接收信號強度指示(Received Signal Strength Indicator, RSSI)測距方法以提高定位精度。文獻[5]設計了基于WiFi信號的園區定位與導航系統,提供了園區內高精度定位服務。針對定位延遲問題,文獻[6]提出了分級定位方案,首先通過漢明距離確定多個子區域,再在子區域內通過k近鄰算法進行精定位。基于位置指紋的定位精度與其采集的指紋密度有關,通過空間插值法對其他位置的定位信息進行擴充可以提高定位精度,而且能夠降低前期數據采集工作量[7]。最近有研究者從室內位置信息與定位信息融合角度出發進行定位研究[8-9],提出了基于知識圖譜WiFi定位方法,側重于有效整合室內WiFi數據和空間環境特征信息。