摘要: 形式驗證FPV可將DUT抽象為狀態空間進行遍歷,針對動態仿真難以隨機到的邊界場景、異常場景和復雜組合場景可提高收斂速度,增強驗證質量。但高質量Property開發對驗證人員能力有較高的要求。面對該挑戰,基于Cadence公司Jaspergold ABVIP提出了一種可復用FPV平臺庫解決方案,可在不同模塊之間重用,降低FPV驗證平臺搭建時間,提升Property質量,同時借助其AI工具Proof Master生成加速Proven效率的database。FPV平臺庫+AI Database已在中興微電子某車規項目落地并復用,發現動態仿真遺漏的4個故障。Proof Master可應用于項目全周期內,回歸效率平均提升80.17%,FPV平臺庫+AI database可提升FPV 初次Proven效率44.96%。與此同時對生成式大模型提升Property編寫效率做了一定探討。
中圖分類號:TN402 文獻標志碼:A DOI: 10.16157/j.issn.0258-7998.240801
中文引用格式: 商思航,江璦琿,彭云霞,等. 基于AI加速的可復用FPV平臺庫[J]. 電子技術應用,2024,50(8):37-41.
英文引用格式: Shang Sihang,Jiang Aihui,Peng Yunxia,et al. AI accelerated reusable FPV platform[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2024,50(8):37-41.
中文引用格式: 商思航,江璦琿,彭云霞,等. 基于AI加速的可復用FPV平臺庫[J]. 電子技術應用,2024,50(8):37-41.
英文引用格式: Shang Sihang,Jiang Aihui,Peng Yunxia,et al. AI accelerated reusable FPV platform[J]. Application of Electronic Technique,2024,50(8):37-41.
AI accelerated reusable FPV platform
Shang Sihang,Jiang Aihui,Peng Yunxia,Xu Jiashan
Shenzhen Sanechips Technology Co., Ltd.
Abstract: Formal Property Verification can abstract DUT into a state space for traversal, enhancing convergence speed and improving verification quality for boundary, exceptional, and complex combination scenarios that are difficult to reach through dynamic simulation. However, developing high-quality properties requires a high level of expertise from verification engineers. In the face of this challenge, this paper proposes a reusable FPV platform solution based on Cadence Jaspergold ABVIP, which can be reused across different modules, reducing FPV verification platform setup time, improving property quality, and leveraging AI tools to generate an accelerated proof efficiency database. The FPV platform library + AI database has been implemented and reused in a certain automotive project at Sanechips, identifying four faults missed by dynamic simulation. Proof Master can be applied throughout the project lifecycle, with an average regression efficiency improvement of 80.17%, and the FPV platform library + AI Database can enhance FPV initial proven efficiency by 44.96%. Meanwhile, this article also discusses the improvement of property writing efficiency using LLM.
Key words : formal;LLM;AI;Jaspergold
與傳統的動態仿真相比,屬性形式驗證(Formal Property Verification, FPV)可將RTL代碼與使用者編寫的Property共同抽象成求解表達式(Conjunctive Normal Form, CNF),使用形式驗證工具中不同的SAT求解器(Satisfiability, SAT)對其進行證明??蓪顟B空間進行遍歷,即使結構復雜的設計也能夠準確地覆蓋邊界場景,保證了驗證的完備性。
圖1 傳統FPV流程圖
為了應對此類挑戰,中興微電子提出了基于AI加速的可復用FPV平臺庫解決方案。針對功能類似的DUT,開發一套通用的Property代碼與配套文檔,可實現同一項目內復用與不同項目間復用。并且在Jaspergold Proof Master@Cadence工具的支持下,基于平臺庫抽象成的CNF記錄當前使用的SAT,以AI database的形式存儲下來,復用至其余功能類似的DUT。FPV平臺庫+AI database可以極大減少Property開發時間與運行時間,提升FPV驗證效率與質量。
(深圳市中興微電子技術有限公司,廣東 深圳 518054)