摘要: 企業數據要素開放流通對于發展高質量數字經濟具有重要意義。現狀表明我國企業數據要素開放流通面臨供需錯配、開放不足的困境,主要原因是供需對接困難、主體互信缺失、存在抵賴風險、缺乏使用控制、互操作性欠缺、難以導向決策、規則尚待完善、存在數據壟斷等。為在現有條件下提高企業數據要素開放流通水平,建議在國際數據空間(International Data Space, IDS)模式的基礎上構建企業數據流通解決方案以突破現有困境。數據空間解決方案通過明確參與方、設定流通過程進而實現六大功能,即:實現身份信任、安全與數據自主、供需匹配、標準化互操作、數據產品構建、數據交易流通,與企業數據要素開放流通場景需求呈現出較高的適配性。
Open circulation of enterprise data elements in China: dynamics, causes of the current situation and data space solutions
Li Xiaoyu,Xia Lei,Lv Dongyang,Lu Dengcheng,Li Xiaonan
China Electronics Digital Innovation
Abstract: The sharing and circulation of enterprise data are crucial for fostering a high-quality digital economy. However, the current state in China indicates that there is a significant supply-demand mismatch of enterprise data elements, along with insufficient openness. The situations mentioned above stem from difficulties in aligning supply and demand, lack of mutual trust among stakeholders, risk of default, absence of usage control, poor interoperability, challenges to help with decision-making, incomplete regulations, and the presence of data monopolies. To enhance the level of enterprise data circulation under the current conditions, it is recommended to construct an enterprise data circulation solution based on the International Data Space (IDS) mode. By identifying participants and defining the circulation process, this data space solution achieves six key functions: establishing identity trust, ensuring security and data autonomy, matching supply with demand, standardizing interoperability, constructing data products, and facilitating data trading and circulation. These functions demonstrate a high level of compatibility with the needs of scenarios involving the open circulation of enterprise data elements.
Key words : enterprise data elements; open circulation of data; data space
數據空間是近些年興起的一種新型數據流通模式,自2005年Franklin[13]提出數據空間概念后,數據空間理論快速延伸并發展至產業界,目前歐盟、日本、中國分別提出了國際數據空間(International Data Space, IDS)、互聯工業開放框架(Connected Industries Open Framework, CIOF)和可信數據空間(Trusted Data Matrix, TDM)三種數據空間解決方案,其中以歐盟IDS方案提出時間最早,應用實踐最成熟[14]。數據空間方案結合企業數據開放流通中對數據使用控制、落地運用、安全可信的要求,實現多對多的數據流通,是目前企業數據要素流通領域的重要研究方向。